The Road Ahead

The Road Ahead, YHWH goes before

“And it is YHWH who is going before you, He Himself is with you. He does not fail you nor forsake you. Do not fear nor be discouraged.”

Deuteronomy 31:8~The Scriptures

We cannot know what the future holds for us. But as believers we do know who will be there with us when our future does unfold.

Do not be worried about what you do not know. Instead, prepare yourself for any possible event that may come your way. The only way you can enter the unknown future is with hope and trust and a positive living faith in the Almighty Living Elohim (God).

You can face anything the future holds without any fear, when Messiah lives in your heart and in your thoughts.. You will have the calm assurance that you will not be confronted by any situation that you and the living Messiah will not be able to overcome together.


Father, I delight in knowing that You hold my life in Your hands. It is you I trust with my life. It is such a comfort for me to know You are always there whenever and wherever I need you. I am forever grateful for this. Amein.

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